Water Stewardship and Environmental Conservation

ESAC's comprehensive services in Water Management and Environmental Stewardship cover a broad spectrum of needs, from quantifying water usage through Water Footprint Assessment to advocating for responsible water policies and governance. With a focus on optimizing water use, addressing scarcity through desalination, and planning for sustainable watershed management, ESAC helps clients effectively manage and conserve this vital resource while promoting environmental responsibility.


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Water Resource Assessment and Planning

Assessing and planning for sustainable water resource management to ensure availability and quality.

Essential for safeguarding water resources, supporting ecosystems, and ensuring long-term sustainability

Mitigates risks related to water scarcity, pollution, and ecosystem degradation.

  • Comprehensive water resource assessments and management plans

Critical for preserving natural habitats, ensuring clean water, and preventing water-related crises.

Reduces risks associated with water pollution, habitat loss, and threats to biodiversity.

  • Watershed conservation plans and progress reports

Watershed Conservation and Management

Implementing strategies to protect and manage watersheds to maintain water quality and ecosystem health

Wetland Restoration and Conservation

Restoring and conserving wetland ecosystems to enhance biodiversity, flood control, and water quality.

Vital for maintaining healthy wetlands, supporting wildlife, and mitigating flooding and pollution risks.

Mitigates risks related to wetland degradation, loss of biodiversity, and increased flood vulnerability.

  • Wetland restoration plans and conservation efforts

Crucial for conserving water resources, reducing costs, and meeting sustainability goals.

Reduces risks linked to water scarcity, high utility costs, and inefficient resource management.

  • Sustainable water use strategies and efficiency programs

Sustainable Water Use and Efficiency

Promoting efficient water use practices and technologies to reduce waste and minimize water consumption

Aquifer Protection and Groundwater Management

Protecting aquifers and managing groundwater to ensure a sustainable and clean source of drinking water.

Essential for safeguarding drinking water supplies, preventing contamination, and ensuring long-term availability

Mitigates risks related to groundwater contamination, depletion, and threats to public health.

  • Aquifer protection plans and groundwater management strategies

Crucial for addressing water scarcity in arid regions, supporting agriculture, and ensuring a reliable water supply

Reduces risks associated with water shortages, droughts, and dependence on limited freshwater sources.

  • Desalination facilities and freshwater production reports


Using desalination techniques to convert seawater or brackish water into fresh water for various uses

Water Policy Advocacy and Governance

Advocating for effective water policies and governance structures to ensure sustainable water management.

Critical for shaping water-related policies, regulations, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders

Mitigates risks associated with ineffective water policies, regulatory gaps, and mismanagement.

  • Advocacy efforts, policy recommendations, and governance frameworks

Essential for understanding water-related environmental impacts, optimizing resource use, and enhancing sustainability.

Reduces risks linked to resource inefficiencies, environmental degradation, and reputational harm.

  •  Water footprint assessment reports and optimization strategies

Water Footprint Assessment

Assessing the total environmental impact of water use throughout a product's lifecycle or in an organization